Monday, April 26, 2010

The Nonprofit Marketing Dilemma

During this class we've primarily discussed how marketing pertains to consumer brands. But there also are so many other types of marketing out there. Taking a look at one specifically, nonprofit marketing, shows how the problems nonprofits face in their marketing strategy and tactics are different from those consumer brands face.

Take for instance this scenario:
When nonprofits want to buy tv advertisements spots, they must do so with donated money. But how can they do that when donors love to read those brochures saying 100% of their donation goes directly to helping those in need. Donors don't prefer donations being spent on marketing expenditures instead of direct charity efforts. Yet, to ultimately grow as an organization and become more effective organizations have to create greater awareness and raise more funds. How can nonprofits do that without paying for traditional marketing?

Check out this unique Unicef Belgium spot if you can

The ad shows a boy fighting a river for his life. He ultimately dies, presumably from lack of safe drinking water. If we saw more ads like this on primetime tv or in newspapers what do you think the impact would be? Would the status quo be different?

1 comment:

  1. Nonprofit hospitals are classic examples of entities that share this problem. They operate and function just as efficiently as for-profit hospitals, but are constrained by their liability to donors. What's even more noteworthy is the rise of for-profit hospitals changing their names to that of religious figures. Some researchers believe the marketing ploy is meant to drive out nonprofit competition and to generate demand and sympathy. If you get a chance, do a little research on hospitals you would expect to be nonprofit because they have names like St. Francis or St. Mary's, but you'll discover many are profit-maximizers.
